Nominate Ex-Wives Undercover for the 2024 Discover Pods Awards!


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Best podcast
I love these ladies origin story and the stories they continue to tell! They get to the nitty gritty and don’t make women feel stupid for falling for theses con artist men! Much love! Keep doing what you do!

One of the best!
This podcast is very well done these ladies have shared there stories of how they not only got free from their narcissistic abuser but are now helping others as well. They are amazing women!!

Love the variety of stories
Great podcast that features a variety of women and their experiences. Although the cons all follow the same playbook, their tactics vary. Educational on the different things to watch out for and how common these situations are.

Best of the best
Love everything about this podcast! I love the friendship that the ladies have and it’s refreshing to see the improvement to the show as the seasons go on. Highly recommend!

Total tea spill
I’m so glad I found this podcast. Thanks for sharing your experience with us and teaching us not so fun facts along the way.

Love it!
The things these poor women went through are so cringe-worthy; but love how they prevail and come out on top. All of the stories are so well told & informative to women in the world who may need some guidance navigating similar situations! Been binging it all week- Great listen! :)

Love these girls
These ladies are giving a voice to victims and helping other woman and children. Through their ordeal as hard as it was they are saving lives. I’m hoping that that they turn this into a Netflix show to get even more awareness. At times I was like really again but that the thing with control and manipulation it complete destroys your self worth.

Loving this podcast!
What a nightmare these two lived through! It’s great that they have come together to tell their stories and have each others backs. Wow, just wow.

Binge worthy and fun ✨✨✨✨✨
Just found this podcast and have not been able to stop listening! Love 💕 the true life stories of love and heartbreak 💔 Highly recommend!

Great podcast!! These women are so trusting and nice. You can’t believe the things this guy does and just when you thinks he has reach a new low, he tops it.

Absolute Gem
Love, love, love! I don’t know why I just discovered this podcast. It is so good! One of my new favorites.

So good!
I can’t stop listening to these two powerful women expose men that do terrible things. Highly recommend!

This podcast may save lives
Amber and Athena are doing the world (and especially women) a huge service by telling their stories and those of other victims of narcissists, sociopaths, and catfish. We need to stop blaming victims and actually invest in the kind of law enforcement that will protect people from malicious, and often violent, wrongdoers that find their prey on dating apps and in other places where people were just following the human instinct of looking for love. Amber and Athena put faces on these stories and show that anyone could be unlucky enough to run into a predator, but they also give useful safety tips on how to try and get out unscathed!

Great story’s amazing hosts
Love this podcast.

So many red flags you could sew a quilt
Ladies, listen to this awesome and informative podcast, learn the signs and red flags that are so obvious to outsiders and everyone other than you, and trust your gut instinct when you feel something is off in a relationship. Learn about narcissism, Antisocial/Borderline Personality Disorders, and cluster B personality disorders, plus psychopathy/sociopathy. The more you know, the less you’ll allow yourself to be a victim. Knowledge is power. Once you know, you cannot un-know it. Once you see it, you cannot in-see it. When you see a red flag, realize it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more that you haven’t seen yet. It only gets worse. Do not be intimidated. Trust the signs. Trust your feelings. Don’t be the next victim. Learn from these ladies, Amber and Athena, and their guests. It’s a very informative podcast. And, unfortunately, this horrible stuff happens to those who become ensnared by these cluster B predators. Be pitigers, don’t be victims!!!

Great podcast
Found this podcast from strictly stalking . This is a awesome podcast . Hit close to home ! From Hillsboro Oregon . Great undercover work ladies !

Thanks Ladies
Found you through Strictly Stalking. Amazing that y’all survived found each other and share so eloquently. Love your chemistry. I’m almost through Season 1. Bravo. 👏👏👏💕

Extremely Helpful!
I really feel the pain of these women and pray they get justice for all they have endured. Hearing everyone’s stories on here continue to help me and I’m sure thousands of others. And the hosts of this show are amazing women who are understanding and supportive of other women. Please continue to do this wonderful show!! All of these stories need to be heard!!

New favorite
I’m really impressed by this podcast and these ladies. Found this after finding something was wrong. This podcast does such a better job at giving victims a full platform to speak and then having others- including experts- comment on their experiences, which is really valuable at showing how these narcissistic abuser types use sneaky tactics to lure you in and signs to look out for. Enjoyable and valuable pod!!

Season 5
Amber had me literally crying laughing when she thought “shank” meant boyfriend in prison 😂😂😂 omg she couldn’t stop laughing. I was cracking up. Great podcast ladies!

Perfect pace and episode length. Everytime I think it’s done this guy just keeps going with the crazy antics. I can’t believe it.

New Favorite
Very similar to Something was Wrong and I look forward to bingeing on ALL the episodes! I just love the two hosts of the show-great voices and tone and they go well together.

Just listening to you both makes me re look at my 9 year relationship…

Two Strong Women Telling Their Stories
When I say I am addicted to this podcast, I am ADDICTED! Athena and Amber are strong, amazing and caring women who got mixed up with a truly crazy man. It’s so refreshing to hear their stories coming from the heart and providing helpful knowledge rather than just trying to hate on their ex for the tea. Keep it going ladies, love you and this podcast!

Love it!
Go listen .. you won't regret it

Funny, informative, important
Thank you for this podcast!

An absolutely wild ride!
What is shocking is the guy’s relentless, malicious behavior that has zero limits, zero regard for laws, and zero regard for any other human being. Unfortunately, what I’m not surprised by, is the women’s experience with the justice system. Thank goodness they connected to protect each other and share their stories to help women see the signs before they get in too deep into toxic relationships with emotionally unhealthy partners.

New Fave
Need a break from murder podcasts and these exes are criminal. Super well done narration, editing, and captivating stories. Keep up the great work, ladies!

Completely Hooked
Can’t stop listening 🥰 Really sorry what you’ve been though.

I dodge your bullet
I was just with a narcissist, but only wasted about 5 months of my life. Not a waste, though, cuz I learned a lot! Throughout every episode, I thought to myself, “Anthony would have done that. That’s so Anthony.” I’m glad I didn’t give him more time or any children. Glad these ladies got out of these relationships well. Now that we know all the signs, symptoms, behavior, and what causes narcissism, why can’t more people get heals from it?? The good guy deep down needs help getting out!