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I love the show so much. I cried the whole time, because I thought I was the only one! I am so appreciative for the show. We have strengthen numbers and we will conquer!

I love this podcast!
Ive been listening since the beginning and Im such a fangirl! Keep up the incredible work! Thank you for helping educate and give a safe space to survivors! -Behk

Great show! All young girls should listen.
You guys are great, but Bruce refers to MAGA as hateful and goes on and on about Trump’s lawsuits. He was wrong about everything he said. And if you’re a nice person, you don’t insult half the country flat out without knowing them. Nor do you sit in silence and let someone else do that. No matter where you are politically, why sit there and let him insult people he doesn’t know? It’s like you learned nothing from Brandon/Ben. Also the girl in 90 Day fiancé, holy screaming Batman! It was hard to listen because she scream talked through a four part podcast. 📢 Yikes! But you guys handled it well.

I love the show so much. I cried the whole time, because I thought I was the only one! I am so appreciative for the show. We have strengthen numbers and we will conquer.!

Season 5 Wow Amazing (Kelly story 1-4)
Kelly’s story and the accounting of Sara’s experience was a compelling tale of resilience.Amber & Athena you have successfully created a platform of healing. Hope you do get a movie deal. Women across America need to be forewarned about men like Ben and be provided tools on how to see the warning signals and have the courage to move on & not move in. I can envision a Nationwide non-profit organization for the empowerment of women coming from this situation.

Love this podcast! It’s like a Dirty John Series!
Athena & Amber, you need to have this produced as a mini-series! Just when you think it couldn’t get worse and “Ben” could not come up with a bigger lie, he tops himself, once again!! I once dated someone who turned out to be a huge cheater, full of lies and gaslighting. It was so hard because he always managed to get me back. And btw, I’ve ALWAYS said stay away from a man with two first names…always bad news! Great job, ladies. God bless and stay strong.

Thank you, thank you.
"Ex-Wives Undercover" deserves a resounding 5 stars! Amber and Athena navigate the challenging tale of a psychopathic narcissist ex with kindness and humor, making the podcast both gripping and enjoyable. Their camaraderie, not only with each other but also with other exes of Ben, is truly endearing. The podcast's portrayal of their determination to seek the justice Ben deserved is nothing short of exhilarating, respectful, and impressive. With grace and charisma, they unfold the story that kept me hooked— I didn't want to stop listening. Their narrative resonated deeply, offering valuable insights that could help many women recognize red flags and manipulation in their own relationships. A heartfelt thank you for sharing your story and shedding light on such an important topic.

This podcast is one of the best I’ve listened to. I just finished all 5 seasons and can’t wait for more! The format is great, and the voices are incredibly easy listening. I’ve been through similar relationships & situations as all of these women, and it is so validating to hear the inspirational stories of how they got out and banded together to bring light to these type of people so they aren’t able to hurt as many others, and work with law enforcement to bring justice. Athena & Amber, thank you for your courage to share, and also to encourage others to do the same!!

Outstanding stories, outstanding interviews, terrific format!

Warning: Todd’s Voice!
Dear my Pi-Tiger sisters…. You didn’t warn us on how gross Todd is when he speaks 🤢

Totally held my attention...
I know how hard it is to leave a relationship with a narcissist. Been there, done that, and it took me many times to actually leave. I feel for the guests and what a rollercoaster it can be, especially with a manipulative person. And the stories are wild, heartbreaking and sadly too common. But I do struggle with the guests who blame the woman that cheated with their partner. Which Athena and Amber clearly didn't do. They knew these other women were being manipulated, too. I appreciate that. There is only one person to blame and that is the partner who cheated. Don't get me wrong, if the woman knows he's married, then that is definitely crappy and totally different. But if he's duping you, he's duping them. I appreciate the women who recognize that. It's so frustrating to see women turn on each other and in essence still protect the actual cheater.

I love this podcast
I have been glued to this podcast . I love thèse women

These ladies gave me my voice!
I cannot imagine not meeting Amber and Athena almost one year ago!!! It seems as if it’s been 10 years we have been through so much. Not only have they treated me with love and kindness but a true sisterhood bond that cannot be broken. Please listen and share their stories. Love you girls.

Love this podcast!
As someone who has been with a narcissist and luckily got out early I really enjoy this podcast. These women have been through so much and it is great to see women supporting women.

Excellent podcast
I love this podcast! I really think they have helped so many women who are in abusive relationships see the light as well as expose the abusers. Keep doing what you’re doing!

Life lessons
I’ve been through so much and to hear these stories makes me so understood! I’m currently pregnant and doing it alone but my peace is so much more worth it vs the roller coaster and abuse! Thank you! Thank you thank you

A Good Binge
Have followed and listen to the show from the beginning. I have enjoyed and learned a lot about various sociopath traits, and how they manifest in relationships. And the crazy path the girls have been on with their sociopath and the law and getting him finally put behind bars. Definitely worthy of a binge listen!

Women United
I feel so blessed to have spoken to and gotten to know Athena & Amber. Two empathetic, loving women who experienced a true narcissist. I wouldn’t have believed it could ever happen to me. Learning that many high level, intelligent and kind women have also fallen victim to these sick individuals helped me (and others) to know we weren’t alone. Until you’ve been there, met one, been manipulated by one; you have NO IDEA how catastrophic it is. I’m so thankful to A&A for their kindness, thoroughness and for being vulnerable in sharing their personal story. Bravo for coming together to raise awareness to narcissistic behavior and being role models for women to listen to one another. With their help, Jill, myself, Karen, Roxi, Missy and hundreds of other women have come together to bring a face to this type of bait & switch abuse on women. Keep doing the good work ladies. We are all so grateful for telling our stories and putting his face out there. Hundreds of women have been saved heartache by the toad. Thank you, thank you

Can’t wait for what comes next!
These ladies are amazing! Thank you for putting out there what most wouldn’t! Can’t wait to see what the next season has in store!

Amazing women
Love this podcast, Athena and Amber are strong resilient women who continue to fight for themselves, the children and other women who have been wronged by other narcissistic men. Thank you for telling your story and giving others a platform to share as well. Y’all are doing a great job!

Love this podcast!!!
It’s not only informative but the ladies are awesome!!!! Some of their banter is hysterical!!!!!! Seriously, one of my all time favorite!!!!!

Hate him, love them!
This story is so wild I couldn’t stop listening to the first season! Love the women supporting women these stories are perpetuating. - A Loyal Pitiger

I was hooked on this story from episode one!!

These women are the epitome of strong!!! The story telling is amazing!! The absolute best part is the friendship that has risen from the bad!!! Can’t wait to listen to more!!

thank god for this pod for all the driving I do. Super entertaining, only podcast I can really focus on tbh!

I appreciate the amount of hard work Athena and Amber (as well as the other lovely ladies involved) have put into this podcast! I have sent this to a few friends of mine to help them see the toxic patterns in their relationships and IT WORKED! They were able to see through the love bombing to see the bad. The way these ladies talk is easy to understand and relate to. I love it so much! Thanks ladies

I’m podcast picky and this is my favorite
I’ll be honest, I’m not the kind of person that likes all podcast. Or, honestly, most podcasts. But this one is my faaaav. I found it when I was moving from SC to IL and binged the first season while I drove back and forth and genuinely never got bored. I laughed, I cried, I screamed at the top of my lungs for the A team—all of the things. Listening to Athena and Amber is like being involved in conversation with your closest friends. I feel right at home with EWU🫶 Aannnnd they’ve put so much work into redoing previous seasons. These women listen to their listeners and are incredible examples of resilience.

A validating show
From a licensed therapist: Thank you Amber and Athena for sharing your stories to help bring more awareness to the dangers of Cluster B personality disorders. The more awareness the more we can protect others and heal.

Couldn’t Love It More!
The ex-wives are true WARRIORS! They share the truth that so many of us have gone through at various levels. They lift up victims and make us feel like the survivors we are. This can happen to anyone, relationship abuse doesn’t discriminate. Thank you for everything you do and thank you for making us feel heard!!!