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Feb. 17, 2022

Jury’s Out: Fake or Legal?

Jury’s Out: Fake or Legal?

If you’ve followed our podcast, you are aware that Ben is a master at fake legal documents in order to get away with the things he does. Now that there are multiple warrants out for his arrest, he thinks he’s going to ‘expose’ us and lure people to the dark side. Well, guess what? We’re one step ahead. We’ll be breaking down each and every post that Ben (Brandon) makes and show you who he really is.

Ben’s court-appointed supervisor/babysitter to protect Sydney

After Ben threatened to kill Athena and Avery, he was required to go through intense therapy and evaluation in order to regain time with his daughter, Sydney. However, Benny boy took this opportunity to create a new narrative so that he would win in court. He’s done it time and time again.

So, let’s take a look at these alleged “notes” by the supervisor. Don’t forget, we discuss this situation in the podcast in season 2!

Hmmm….this looks a little suspect considering Athena has NEVER even seen this document turned into court. Interesting that this so-called “official” document by a state worker isn’t on letterhead, doesn’t provide a name or any identifying information and comes with a multitude of spelling errors. Folks, this can only mean one thing: a) this is a fake document that Ben created and turned into the courts or b) he hired a sleazy, incompetent case worker that is highly unprofessional.

We would venture to say that Ben wrote this. Hey Ben! Did you mean to say ‘defiantly’ or ‘definitely?’ You do know they mean two separate things, right? Love the wording you chose as well ‘attack on or blaming the father’ – exactly the SAME verbiage Ben has used in previous court documents.

Quite fascinating that a professional – who by the way isn’t a licensed psychologist – went so far as to ‘diagnose’ Athena with a mental illness! A clear giveaway that this was all concocted by Ben himself. Any legit professional would NEVER jeopardize their reputation by spouting off such bogus and unsubstantiated claims.

Again, this fake document is laughable. Now the so-called expert goes from claiming Athena is ‘mentally ill’ to now stating that she thinks she has Munchausen by proxy! Nice try Ben. This is quite entertaining though. Love the added part where you make this professional woman act like a teenage gossip machine! ‘I don’t have time to chase her and play games’ and ‘the mother is clearly paranoid and playing games.’

Ben, did you mean to say the mother was ‘definitely’ playing games or ‘definitely’ playing games?

Oh Ben, really? You do know that you publicly announced your diagnosis in a Bothell court hearing. Not to mention it is stated in your parenting plan. We’ll be dispelling this nonsense in another blog…because we have LOTS and LOTS of evidence and legal proof!

Stay tuned for another exciting blog post that will dispell all the garbage that Ben is trying to claim.